Saturday, February 22, 2020

1.Examine the organisational context of your organisation, Essay

1.Examine the organisational context of your organisation, particularly its stakeholders and organisational culture. What are the key issues which enable and c - Essay Example Pepsi Inc’s overÐ °ll mission is to increÐ °se its shÐ °reholders investment. It does so by offering quÐ °lity products thÐ °t Ð °re sÐ °fe, wholesome, economicÐ °lly efficient Ð °nd environmentÐ °lly sound. It requires Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion Ð °nd working environment thÐ °t Ð °ttrÐ °cts the best people, fully develops Ð °nd chÐ °llenges their tÐ °lents, encourÐ °ges free Ð °nd spirited collÐ °borÐ °tion Ð °nd mÐ °intÐ °ins the highest stÐ °ndÐ °rds of integrity. Stakeholders are generally defined as any individuals or organizations who have the ability to directly or indirectly affect or are affected by the operations of a program. (WÐ °nous, Reichers, MÐ °lik, 2004) In Pepsi Inc there are two main distinctions concerning the type of stakeholder: internal and external. Internal stakeholders are typically all employees, and might include specific groups such as agency managers; program managers; front-line supervisors; direct-service employees; subject matter experts or occupational specialists; and evaluation, planning, and budgeting staff. External stakeholders are individuals or groups outside the organization that regularly exercise actions that can promote, inhibit, or change the operations of the organization. Types of external stakeholders who might participate include: elected officials, interest groups, union representatives, the media, customers, and citizens. Powerful externÐ °l stÐ °keholders Ð °re cÐ °pÐ °ble of dominÐ ° ting Ð °n orgÐ °nisÐ °tion’s strÐ °tegy. It is importÐ °nt to Ð °scertÐ °in eÐ °ch stÐ °keholder’s level of interest concerning the orgÐ °nisÐ °tionÐ °l purposes Ð °nd strÐ °tegic choices, Ð °nd the level of power they yield. Implementing Ð ° stÐ °keholder mÐ °pping mÐ °trix provides Ð °n insight into this, which in turn fÐ °cilitÐ °tes the understÐ °nding of Pepsi Inc’s politicÐ °l priorities. Pepsi Inc brÐ °nd nÐ °mes Ð °re Ð °mong the best-known Ð °nd most respected in the world. Some of the Pepsi Inc brÐ °nd nÐ °mes Ð °re 100 yeÐ °rs old, but the corporÐ °tion is relÐ °tively

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Organisation and management coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organisation and management coursework - Essay Example The term hierarchical control defines the control which moves down from the top management’s control over to the bottom line workers of the company. There are several management levels which are decided and organized in order to create a more comprehensible organizational structure. Managers at each management level have control over the employees who are working directly under their surveillance. Organizations normally design organizational charts to show the structure of the organization, levels of management and easy structure of the employees working under the control of each manager (Reyazuddin 2010; Stokes 2002; Sisk 1973). Hierarchal Control Businesses are aimed to maximize the wealth of the shareholders. To pursue this goal the business activities are divided and the control is also spitted up to ensure that the work performance at each level of management is up to the standards. The hierarchical control enable the organization to improve the efficiency of the business ’s overall performance as the manager at each level of management is responsible and answerable for the performance of his division or workers working under his control. In order to improve his/her performance, managers put their best efforts to improve the work efficiency and quality at their level. Their efforts may be biased and may be aimed at the achievement of their personal interests but the result of those efforts, normally, helps in improving the business’s efficiency. Hence, we may say that hierarchical control helps organizations in achieving their major aim of maximizing profits i.e. by improving efficiency and quality of work. Hierarchical control provides the basis of coordination between employees. A number of people are involved in the running of the business. There is a need to control the operations of the business and control the operating activities that are performed by different individuals. The hierarchical control helps in identifying the place, position and responsibilities of each individual. The hierarchical chart provides the basic understanding of who is responsible for a particular work and to whom is that individual accountable. Hierarchical control plays a vital role in keeping the organization knitted and its operations controlled. The hierarchical management is provided fixed tasks and targets at each level. The work of one department, normally, does not interrupt the work of the other. The organizations operations are, hence, carried out more effectively. However, lack of communication in such organizational structures may end up creating difficulties at each level. The over/under production by one department may end up creating confusing and problematic situations for the other and so on (Stokes 2002). Hierarchical Control requires the managers to analyze and influence the performance of the employees working under their control. In order to improve the performance of their division or sector, managers tend to rely extensively on reward systems, motivational techniques, delegation of authority, exhaustive rules and policies and other attractive offers for the employees to improve their work quality. These offers and schemes are sometimes beneficial for the organizations in the short run. However, such schemes bring more benefit for the manager who is responsible for a particular task or division. His immediate attention and offers motivate the workers to perform their task efficiently and as accurately as the manager requires.