Thursday, August 27, 2020

Qantas in the Global Airline Industry

Rundown Globalization has advanced the development of exchange and the travel industry enterprises. This has expanded interest for movement and has profited the aircrafts from various perspectives. Qantas has been a fruitful carrier that has developed to turn out to be universally recognized.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Qantas in the Global Airline Industry explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It serves both residential and remote markets. In any case, by 2009, the carrier started encountering money related compels because of rivalry. It was additionally influenced by regular cataclysms like pig influenza that dishearten explorers. It is feasible for this carrier to reestablish its situation in business by amplifying on the accessible assets and extending its business sectors. The aircraft can serve both low and very good quality markets. This can be accomplished by converging with different aircrafts and separating its business sectors to foc us on each market with the correct item. Given that the carrier has a wide scope of items; it has an additional preferred position over contenders. This can be utilized to design deliberately and advance the company’s income age. As the universal business exercises increment, the interest for movement additionally increments. This makes carrier an ideal business for speculators. Foundation Information The aircraft business has profited by globalization and the development that has been knowledgeable about exchange and the travel industry. The development in this industry is related with the worldwide economy that has improved the pay circumstances for the greater part of the center families. Rivalry is extreme in the carrier business since the developing interest for movement has pulled in numerous speculators. Qantas began in 1920 with eight airplanes that flew globally until 1942. It was later nationalized until 1992 when it turned into a private organization.Advertising Lo oking for report on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Its investors comprised of the British aviation routes and the Australian open. It developed in limit and shaped the Oneworld collusion with different carriers for it to share lounges, joint appointments, and various flyer focuses that improved the nature of administrations offered via aircrafts. The introduction of Virgin Blue brought a great deal of rivalry and Qantas propelled a minimal effort carrier, Jestar, which could contend with Virgin Blue at a similar level. Qantas extended and developed in limit. It has been granted different honors for being among the best carriers on the planet. Cutting cost turned into a significant angle in the gracefully chain, proposing blending and focusing on the center business to beat the financial emergencies. The airline’s benefits are going down, and what's to come is unusual particularly with the cu rrent set backs like the pig vent flare-ups (Hanson, Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2011). This report will examine and break down the issues influencing Qantas carrier. It will set up a procedure in which the organization can spare itself from crumbling, just as feature the significance of the issues being executed. Qantas’ center skills Qantas has been developing in limit because of a portion of its viewpoints that keep it in front of its rivals. For example, the carrier works different administrations other than aircraft and travel. These remember taking care of things and registration administrations and traveler parlors and providing food administrations (Hanson, Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2011). This is a solid point for this association on the grounds that the additional types of business are identified with voyaging, which is the center business.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Qantas in the Global Airline Industry explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/pag e Learn More The carrier has a preferred position of focusing on all movement needs of its travelers into one bundle. Along these lines, it is simple for Qantas to build up client steadfastness in light of the fact that the travelers will consistently have a need in one of the different administrations and items that are advertised. Decent variety is a perspective that pulls in clients and gives an association an upper hand since request increments with an expansion in the scope of items. The competition experienced from other specialist co-ops is handily decreased. This is accomplished by offering upgraded administrations that enhance the single help that clients would look for. The upkeep and fix business additionally offers the carrier a chance to keep up its airplanes economically and in this way limit on the expenses of activity (Ferrel 2009). Qantas has been in activity for a more drawn out period when contrasted with other up and coming aircrafts. This makes the brand notable both locally and universally. Such brand information among neighborhood and outside clients puts the aircraft in front of the contenders. The item is broadly recognized in the market, and the aircraft can exploit this to manufacture client faithfulness not at all like the contenders who need to set up a piece of the overall industry. The carrier has been in activity for quite a while in this manner it is acquainted with the market needs. This can be utilized as a premise to redesign the company’s items to fit the client needs and even surpass the client desires. Past encounters can likewise be utilized in arranging and building techniques that can be utilized to expand income later on (Lyons Booth, 2011).Advertising Searching for report on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Qantas is likewise in a situation to serve both prominent clients and clients who wish to spend decently (Brescoll, 2012). Given that the aircraft is running a significant expense and an ease travel business, the carrier can get business from all the business sectors (Hanson, Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2011). This is an additional bit of leeway on the grounds that the carrier doesn't have a specific objective market since it can suit the two classes of explorers. This demonstrates the prominent clients can in any case be kept up while the association tries to draw in ease explorers as well. At the point when an association has the upside of serving all the business sectors accessible in some random industry, it has the benefit of increasing a more extensive piece of the pie than the remainder of the contenders (Mintzberg, 2000). Qantas’ procedures for the medium-term future Qantas is in a decent shape, however the circumstance may change later on since a large portion of the inc ome supporting it is for the most part from the offer of focuses, the general stores, and other non travel business exercises (Hanson, Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2011). The aircraft needs to design and set up methodologies of pulling in travelers and keeping up the expenses as low as could be expected under the circumstances. This is intended to guarantee that the carrier keeps up great quantities of worldwide travelers. This can be accomplished by utilizing airplanes that expend fuel productively while pleasing a greater number of travelers. This ought to likewise be joined by a quick pivot in which planes take a long term noticeable all around. This guarantees less expenses are brought about, and the income produced increments. This procedure can be accomplished in the transient given that makers are offering acceptable arrangements for new enormous airplanes. Such a venture will enable the organization to eliminate its expense and increment its ability (Mintzberg, 2000). Qantas, be ing a set up carrier, can profit by the changing examples in the manner individuals travel everywhere throughout the world. Travel is affected by business and monetary exercises, just as occasions and recreation. Many individuals are venturing out to work including the low salary workers. Qantas can exploit these changing patterns to give items that fulfill these movement needs. The aircraft can give flights that reject suppers and offer alluring bundles for business voyagers so as to eliminate costs. This will make an objective market that is consistent since globalization has made voyaging a necessity for the worldwide associations. The costs coordinated towards trip specialist reservation can be kept away from by amplifying the company’s items. This guarantees no additional administrations are redistributed prompting expanded income at low costs (Wu, 2009). The aircraft business has pulled in numerous speculators, and this has expanded rivalry for Qantas. The aircraft shou ld exploit its built up brand to offer administrations that make it particular (Lasevoli Massi, 2012). For example, it can build up its administrations and items to offer travelers solace and extravagance. This can be given in Qantas while the other unit, Jestar, offers minimal effort travel to medium pay workers. Giving relaxation travelers the class they require while offering a greater business class limit through Jestar guarantees that the carrier exploits the two markets (Brescoll, 2012). Potential difficulties for Qantas and their answers While trying to grow its activities and increment income, Qantas may encounter difficulties. For instance, to make its movement experience increasingly agreeable and sumptuous, it should enhance its items (Hill Jones, 2013). This can be accomplished through contribution additional administrations like customized administrations that may expand work cost. The aircraft can isolate the administrations to such an extent that Jestar focuses on the low salary voyagers while Qantas practices with the extravagance travelers who can pay for the additional assistance. Characterizing these types of administrations guarantees that the two markets are served by their necessities. Normalizing the airplane armadas for each class of travelers will prompt low expenses of upkeep and tasks (Wu, 2009). The airplane cycle is moderately quick, and providers are probably going to deliver new brands at a quicker rate than the aircraft can coordinate (Hanson, Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2011). The carrier can converge with other settled aircrafts in order to stay aware of the market requests. This will give it an incredible money related influence to gain new airplanes

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why did many homesteaders find it difficult to acquired good land in the West

The historical backdrop of the United States demonstrates that the Americans can be considered as an extremely ground-breaking country, since they adapted to such a large number of difficulties on their approach to progress. At the center of the nineteenth century till its end, heaps of homesteaders confronted very much the same issue †they couldn't get great land in the West. Publicizing We will compose a custom paper test on Why did numerous homesteaders think that its hard to procured great land in the West? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More generally speaking, such challenges showed up as a result of one archive that was marked by Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862, known as the Homestead Act. Truth be told, the House of Representatives passed the demonstration concerning the matter of residence enactment for multiple times before the Homestead Act in 1852, 1854, and 1859. Be that as it may, none of those endeavors was effective. This is the reason numerous expectations were associated with the last demonstration: homesteaders really accepted that they got a chance to build up their ranches and get benefits. Tragically, the states of the Homestead Act were not that effective for the homesteaders: it turned out to be increasingly hard to track down and purchase great land in the entire domain of the West. So as to discover what made the challenges for the homesteaders purchase great land, it is important to clear up what the states of The Homestead Act were. The states of that demonstration were somewhat frustrating for some homesteaders, on the grounds that numerous difficulties were headed to getting extremely beneficial land: above all else, an application must be documented, where an individual, who was not conceived in the United States of America, guaranteed for 160 sections of land of Government land; furthermore, the individual, who got the land, needed to live on that land and improve it during 5 years; lastly, following 5 yea rs, the homesteader should petition for a patent and demonstrate that the land was improved. Just on the off chance that, every one of those means were passed effectively, the land could be purchased. Thinking about these conditions, it is conceivable to state that such land estimation and high evaluating were focused on Government creating however not at empowering settlements. Lamentably, numerous homesteaders simply didn't have a thought of how to improve or if nothing else start their business, this is the reason the main thing they needed to do is to document claims, work, and pause. Publicizing Looking for article on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At the start of 1863, heaps of pioneers begins populating the grounds in the West: they manufactured towns and schools so as to advance the vital development of the nation. So as to improve land, a great deal of homesteaders were anxious to contend and utilize all their money related stores. The procedure of industrialization made bunches of individuals to contemplate their future yet not about their present. On the off chance that an individual needed to make certain progress, he/she should buckle down for some timeframe, and with time, watch results and appreciate the benefits. This is the reason the procedure of industrialization may fill in as one more explanation of why such a significant number of homesteaders couldn't gain great land in the West. By and large, the challenges, by far most of homesteaders confronted with while gaining the great land in the West, are brought about by two reasons: one of them is the procedure of industrialization that was spread over the United States of America toward the finish of the nineteenth century, and another explanation is the states of the Homestead Act of 1862. Toward the start, it was too hard to even consider buying any real estate parcel in view of high estimating and harms after the wars, a nd with time, people’s rivalries turned into another test of the Americans. This exposition on Why did numerous homesteaders think that its hard to obtained great land in the West? was composed and put together by client Dominik Pittman to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Clear Site Specific Cache in Browsers Easily

Clear Site Specific Cache in Browsers Easily Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Clear Site Specific Cache in Browsers EasilyUpdated On 01/07/2011Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : Tips and tricksShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogYou would have encountered this problem frequently, a particular website will not load properly or it will have some issues on loading the recent content, here is a quick and simple tip for solving it. It has something to do with the browser cache. It is basically the information like stylesheets, scripts etc, stored by sites in your browser to help them load faster.And you need to clear them in order to make the sites load faster and display latest content, and the simple way to do that would be Shift+Refresh combination.Open any site in any of your favorite browser, now click the refresh button while holding down the shift key, the site specific cache will be removed instantly. Do try this tri ck/tip when you encounter loading issues with your favorite sites. ??READ5 Basic Tips For Maintaining Good Client Relationships

Monday, May 25, 2020

Average GRE Scores for Top Private Universities

Most graduate schools have done away with publishing the average GRE scores for their incoming graduate students online and in promotional literature. They dont want hopeful attendees to get the wrong idea that if their scores arent the same as what other students have achieved, then they should not even bother to apply. However, some graduate schools are willing to post average  ranges  of scores for incoming grad students, although most of those scores are arranged by intended major rather than by the schools statistics as a whole. Keep reading to see the average GRE scores as listed for top private universities for a couple of very popular majors (engineering and education) as published by the U.S. News and World Report.   GRE Scores Information If you are perplexed as you run through these scores because you expected to see numbers in the 700s, then you are probably still using the old GRE score system which ended in 2011. As of August 2011, average GRE scores can run anywhere between 130 - 170 in 1-point increments. The old system more people are familiar with, assessed students on a scale from 200 - 800 in 10-point increments. If you took the GRE using the old system and are curious about what your approximate GRE score would be with the new scale, then check out the two concordance tables listed below. Please note, however, that GRE scores are only valid for five years, so July 2016 was the last time students with GRE scores in the prior format were able to use them for admissions into graduate school.   GRE Verbal Concordance TableGRE Quantitative Concordance Table    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Engineering:   Quantitative: 167 Stanford University Engineering:   Quantitative: 167 Education Quantitative: 162Verbal: 164 Harvard University Engineering:   Quantitative: 167 Education Quantitative: 161Verbal: 165 California Institute of Technology (CalTech) Engineering:   Quantitative: 168 Duke University Engineering:   Quantitative: 164 University of Chicago Engineering:   Quantitative: NA Northwestern University Engineering:   Quantitative: NA Education Quantitative: 158Verbal: 163 University of Pennsylvania Engineering:   Quantitative: NA Education Quantitative: 159Verbal: 161 Johns Hopkins University Engineering:   Quantitative: 164 Education Quantitative: 161Verbal: 163 Rice University Engineering:   Quantitative: 166 New York University Engineering:   Quantitative: NA Education Quantitative: 154Verbal: 159 University of Notre Dame Engineering:   Quantitative: 160 Vanderbilt University Engineering:   Quantitative: 167 Education Quantitative: 159Verbal: 164 Are My GRE Scores Going To Get Me In? There are quite a few factors that go into your acceptance into one of these top private universities, so dont stress out just yet. Although your GRE scores  are  important, they are not the only things considered by admissions counselors, as Im sure youve heard before. Make sure your application essay is top-notch and that you have secured great recommendations from those professors who knew you best in undergrad. And if you havent worked on bumping up your GPA already, then now is the time to ensure youre getting the best grades you possibly can in case your GRE score isnt exactly what you wanted it to be.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Employee Industry Hospitality - Tourism Dissertations - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3496 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Medicine Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? The issue of grievance handling has not been new in organizations and it has been one of the most persistent problems of all times. In the course of running an organization, there are many complaints that are handled daily by the management which constitute the process of grievance handling. Grievances are common not only in organization but also in our social life. However it has been shown that the nature of the grievances is not that important than the process that is used to handle the grievances. Before we look at the process of handling a grievance in an organization, let us look use first understand the nature of a grievance. What is a grievance? (Dentron and Boyd 2005, p. 61) Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Employee Industry Hospitality Tourism Dissertations" essay for you Create order A grievance can be defined as any complaint that is raised by an individual worker of a group of workers in an organization. A grievance is usually raised in allegation of violation of the terms of agreement in the workplace. Therefore it can be said to a complaint that is raised and which is aimed at expressing the dissatisfaction of the employees by what is happening in the organization. A grievance however differs from a complaint in that while a complaint can be verbally expressed, a grievance is usually stated in writing. A grievance can be caused by many things. It has been shown that some of the most controversial issues which usually ends up in a grievance include the discharge of employees from their workplace, lack of a process of collective bargaining for the employees which can be used to express their dissatisfaction, unfair labor practices, and others which are likely to happening in the work places. (Rahul 2005, p. 31) Therefore we can expound on this point by looking closely at the process which is usually used to handle these complaints. For the effective functioning of an organization, there is usually a need to look at the welfare of the employee. Any management will recognize that the employees are the most important asset that an organization holds and therefore the most important thing in the management of the resources of an organization will be first to look at the welfare of the workforces. It has been shown that most of the grievances which hare not well looked at often precipitate to a form of dissident by the workforce which in most case comes as strike. A strike in an organization will not only have economic effect on the organization but it will also have effects on the image of the management of the organization. Therefore many organizations have come up with an effective procedure that can be used to handle complaints of het employees. In order to ensure that there is less participant of the workforce in mass movement of labor unions, many organization came up with human resource departments which are well positioned to handle the complains of the employees. Therefore it is the duty of the human resource department to come up with a well structured way that can be used to look at the welfare of the workforce. The human resource department is the one which is entrusted with the duty of handling all the complaints regarding the employees. Human resource department must come up with a grievance handling procedure. (Finegan 2004, p. 71) A grievance handling produced clearly defines a process which is used by the organization to look at the complaints that has been given by the employees. It presents a process of initial resolving of the complaints through arbitration. It is a process that is used to indentify and resolve the companies in a timely manner in order to promoted the prevail a constructive discussion between the management and the representatives of the employees. therefore the aim of the grievance procedure is to ensure that there is a proper mechanism in place that is used by the management to look at the issues that pertains to employees in order to ensure that there is constructive resolving of the complains at they arises. (Dana 2001, p. 231) The hospitality industry has been one of the rapidly growing industries in the world. In a short period of time, the industry has grown short of its former self. In the last few decades there has been increased travelling by people all over the world. This has been enabled by the increasing wave of globalization which has opened the world and increased the interaction between people. As a result individuals have been able to travel from one corners of the world to the other with no political or legal limitation. The improve modes of transport has been the main factor that has contributed to the rapid growth of the industry. The industry has been one of the most important industries in the world that have been supporting the increased globalization and polarization of world culture. Therefore there has been unprecedented growth of the industry in a very short period of time. The industry has been offering supportive services in the tourism sector. Apparently tourism has emerged to be one of the most important industries in the world. It has been fueled by increased spending culture in the world and increased openness. Tourism has taken many dimensions in its growth in areas of cultural tourism, business tourism, leisure tourism, education tourism, medical tourism, and other areas. In all these segments, individual usually travels away from their homes to go to foreign countries. Therefore they need to be accommodated and given other services. In this regard the hospitality industry comes in hand as it offers them support in accommodation and other necessary services. The hospitality industry has therefore hinged its growth on the tourism sector. (Leornard 2001, p. 52) One of the emerging natures of the hospitality industry has been diversity that has been experienced in the customers that the industry target and also in the workforce. There has been an increasing trend in the industry towards culture convergence in which one hospitality facility in the world is serving people of diverse culture. Therefore there has been an aspect of standardization of culture in the industry. Cultural homogeneity is considered to be one of the competitive factors that need to achieve in order to survive in the competitive market. With the market become more diverse due to divers needs of the customers, the hotel industry have therefore tended to have a divers nature of employees in order to help their customers to feel at home every time they are being served. Therefore there has been an increasing trend of multicultural workforce in the industry. This of course has come with its own challenges to human resource management. One of the most challenges that faces any human resource management is a multicultural workforce is the way to handle complains by the employees. Many a times, employees feel that their welfare is not looked at as needed in the organization and there are usually incidences of unfair treatment of the employees. But due to the diverse nature of the employees, the human resource department may not be in a position to come up with standardized way of dealing with all the demands that employees have. Therefore there are incidence of complaints that are based on the favors in the workforce and discontent in the allocation of duties. Many of het case studies that have been presented about complain in the hospitality industry have all been based on issue of favors in the workforce which arise due to the diversity in the workforce. Therefore in the contemporary human resource management issues, diversity in the workforce in the hospitality industry have been one of the causes of complains in the workforce. The hospitality industry is one of the most hectic industries as visitors check in and checks out. As a result there is a lot of work that needs to be done by the workforce. The nature of services in the industry is based on the fact that the visitors have to feel as comfortable as they want and find value for the amount of money that they are charged. Therefore there has to be a lot of work that is done by the employees in order to meet the demands of the visitors. Some of the visitors can be a little nagging and may require excessive attention than others. Going by the nature of definition of the duties the employee have to perform some employee will always find themselves doing extra work that they have not bee assigned at the time they were hired. Therefore there is usually a conflict with their supervisors who have to make sure that the guest gets all what they want and therefore will have to assign extra duty to the employees. At the end to the day employees will feel that they have done more that they are supposed to do in their duties. This has been shown to be another source of complains from the employees who feels that they are unfair treated and their initial duty assignment is not respected. (Andrew Kurth LLP, 2008) In most cases supervisors are faced with a hard task of ensuring that employee perform all the duties that they have been assigned to and also perform the extra duties that the guests wants to be attendee to. Therefore there is a situation between the supervisors and the employees. The hospitality industry peaks with seasons. This means that there are periods when there will be an inflow of guest while there are other seasons when there will be less guest checking in. In there regard there is a fluctuating need of employees in the industry. When the season peaks, the industry will need to hire more employees and when the season is low the industry will need to lay off some of the employees. In this regard the tourism industry is most affected by the seasonality. Most of the hotels which operation in leisure industries will find the there are periods when there will be more guest especially during holidays and weekend while there are other when there will be less guest. The industry is also prone to political stability and other factors and therefore the times when there is a serene atmosphere will see an inflow of guest while the times when there is political turmoil there will be less guests who will be checking in. As a result the industry is force to keep on hiring and lying off some of the workers. It has continuously become difficult for the industry to hire more employees on permanent bases due to the fact that there are period when the industry will need more workers while the off seasons will need less workers. Therefore there is a factor of the way in which employees are hired and retained in the industry. This has been one of the most contentious issues especially when it come to the labor unions which have been arguing that there is need for the industry to hire employee on permanent bases. There are a times when the industry is forced to lay off the employee unexpected due to the prevailing circumstance. For example in Kenya which is one of the famed tourism destinations in Africa, the last year skirmishes had a negative effect in the industry. It is recorded that though it was the high season when the tourism and hospitality industry expected a great inflow of guest, more than 10,000 employees were laid off. This was due to massive cancellation of bookings that had been done. The industry has apparently hired more workers in anticipation for the high season that had just started to pick up. There has been a conflicting situation in the industry as the employee who had been hired on contracted bases want to be paid all the money as their contract had defend while the industry is trying to recover from a massive losses incurred due to the massive cancellation. The hospitality industry has also been shown as one of the industry which pays the workers low salaries. This has been caused by the fact that the industry sometime will need to hire more employees and other times it will have to lay off some the employees. Due to the fact that the industry goes on of very lean seasons when it has to maintain its operation, there have been incidence of some players in the industry paying their employee very low salaries in a bid to cover the expense in the low season. Therefore there have been conflicts between the workforce and the management on the issue of salaries. This is one of the most conflicting issues that have led to formation of labor unions in the industry. Most of the operators in the industry agree with the fact that the industry pays less money to its employees especially during the low seasons but they try to equate that with the operation of het industry during that period. It has been shown that although the industry has been growing at a high rate, there have been fewer incidences of increased salaries for the workforce even at times when the industry is performing well. There has also been incidence of customer complain in the industry. It has been shown that in most cases customer have been complains about the quality of service that they receive from particular employees in the industry and also from the facility in general. This has been a difficult situation for the human resource department especially since it has to ascertain the nature of the conflict between the employee and the guest. In most case the guest may have rubbed the employee on the wrong side and therefore there must be a way of asserting the truth before punishing the employee. Though the issue of customer complains has been shown to be a responsibility attached to the customer service department, at the end of the day it ends up as a management issue that has to be resolved. Both hotel and hospitality industries fall under any industry in the country. Therefore they are exposed to the same labor laws like any other industry. However the nature of employee relation in the industry has been changing due to some of the factors that have been shown. Although there has been increasing labor unionization of the industry there has also some legal aspects that have been protecting the employees in the industry. One of the laws that protect employee in the industry has been the National Labor Relation Act which are aimed at redressing complain of any employees that has been unlawfully discharged from their duties. Through the law the employee is able to seek redress in the law court. However there has been conflicting situation when it comes to address this issue and when it comes to the application of the law. This is because every time an employee is dismissed from their duties for a genuine reason, they run to the court to place complains and what follows is an argument about the rights of het employees. Although the employer has the responsibility of recognize the rightist of the employee, there has been the question of the responsibility of the employee especially when it comes to the nature of the operation of the industry. Being in an industry that calls for meticulous performance of duties in order to ensure the satisfaction of the employee, there has been incidence where the employee have been dismissed on the ground of misbehaving with the guest or failing to perform their duties and what follows is a lawsuits for the company. (Mitchell, 2007) There has been increasing misinterpretation of the National Labor Relation Act when it comes to the employees working in the hospitality industry. There has been a need to becoming familiar with the law and its interpretations. There has been misinterpretation of the act when it comes to the employers also. It has been shown that there are many incidences when the employers back off from their earlier salary agreement and fire off employee who complains. But the law has shown the act is inclusive even of the employee who works in the hospitality industry who are likely to work for part time bases. Holiday Inn has been one of the most prosperous hotels that have become major player in the hospitality and tourism industry. It has been able to spread its wings all over the world and has grown to be a multinational in a very short period. It has positioned itself in all the corners of the world which have tourism potential and therefore it has a world wide presence. Like any other play in the industry, the hotel has been receiving a number of complains from the customers as well as from the workers themselves. Since the hotel has been relying on tourism activities in its overseas operation, the hotel has been experience same problems as we have mentioned above which are all hinged on the satisfaction of the employee and on other factors. But is has successfully put in place a mechanism that is used to handle all these complains. It has been dealing with a range of complains about its employees and at the same time there have been complains from the employees on the way they are beign treated. (Dilts 2006, p. 34) In order to handle all these complains, the hotel first steps which were aimed at streamlining it relationship with the employees was the formation of the human resource department which was supposed to look at the welfare of the employees. The human resource department was apparently responsible for looking at the welfare of the employee and also it was to handle complains from the employee. Therefore it was given the authority to deal with issue of hiring and firing of the employees. In areas where the hotel has been hiring seasonal workforce, it has been putting the employee on a contractual agreement where they are supposed to be paid according to there performance and not on the bases that eh were hired. This has been made in order to avoid many complains that come from the workforce once they are dismissed from their employee when the low seasons comes. The hotel has also made sure that it has put in place a board that is supposed to scrutinize all the complains that are received from the employees so that it can look into the way of making sure that they are well addressed. The board or the arbitration body is supposed to work in close conjunction with the human resource department to make sure that there is a well defined procedure that is followed while dealing with the complains. Therefore there have been systematic efforts by the hotel that has been aimed at reducing the level of complains with the workforce. These efforts have also been aimed at ensuring that all the employees are handled as equal and that complains are dealt with as a matter of urgency. From time to time there will be complains from the workforce. These complains are most of the time genuine and they indicates that there is a problem that need to be fixed somewhere in the work process. The human resource department that has been given the mandate of dealing with the issue of these conflicts understands that employees are the most important treasure that ht organization holds. It has to deal with the employee well, so that it will gain a competitive edge in the market. Therefore it is good for the management to come up with proper way of dealing with these complains in order to avert further action from the employee. Most of the time if these complain is not dealt with they are likely to precipitate to strikes which will have a negative effect on the productivity of the industry and also on the image of he industry. The tourism and hospitality industry has been one of the industries that have been suffering major grievances from employee due to issues of off and on season employment and low payment. There have been major labor action in the industry which has been caused by these complain that has been expressed by the workforce. Therefore there is need for the players in the industry to handle some of these complains well and take the example of Holiday Inn which has come with effective mechanisms that are meat to deal with the problem firmly. Andrew Kurth LLP, 2008, Hospitality and Hotels: Employment and Labor, Retrieved from on 10th May 2008 Dana, D 2001, Conflict Resolution, McGraw Hill Dentron, K. Boyd, C 2005, Employee Complaint Handling, Greenwood Publishing Group Dilts, D 2006, Cases in Collective Bargaining industry relations, McGraw Hill, New York Finegan, J 2004, The rigorous customer-complain, Harvard Business Review12 Leornard, A 2001, The service Driven Company, Harvard Business Review 69 Mitchell, M 2007, Union organization Trend in the Hospitality Industry, Retrieved from on 10th May 2008 Rahul, J 2005, Corporate Reputation, John Willey, New York

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Animal Farm And George Orwell By George Orwell - 1034 Words

Eric Arthur Blair, under the pseudonym of George Orwell, composed many novels in his lifetime that were considered both politically rebellious and socially incorrect. Working on the dream since childhood, Orwell would finally gain notoriety as an author with his 1945 novel Animal Farm, which drew on personal experiences and deeply rooted fear to satirically critique Russian communism during its expansion. Noticing the impact he made, he next took to writing the novel 1984, which similarly criticized totalitarianism by depicting an overwhelmingly melancholy dystopian society. 1984 achieved similar success and opened the public’s eyes to the dangers of the spread of despotic regimes throughout the world. By examining both Animal Farm and†¦show more content†¦He was indicted for treason and forced to flee the country, and it left him with a hatred and fear towards the communists that he would harbor for the remainder of his life. Armed with literary ammunition from these experiences, Orwell set out to shed light on the dangers of this type of all-powerful governance in 1984. This he did mainly by setting up the character Winston Smith to mirror himself and his own views as much as possible. Both Orwell and Smith were political rebels, propagandists, free-love advocates, and individuals in every sense of the word. He juxtaposed this individualistic character against the oppressiveness of the Party regime for the purpose of highlighting the unjust tyrannical behavior of the totalitarian government. When he writes â€Å"the two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought† it is clear that he is issuing a warning about totalitarianism that stems from nothing less than his own personal beliefs and involvements [1984 193]. The novel altogether follows a similar theme of warning and by taking a closer look into Orwell’s personal biography it makes i t clear where these fervent beliefs emanate from. Furthermore, Animal Farm, written in 1945, explores similar topics and themes as 1984 and acts as a sort of precursor to the novel. Notably, Animal Farm sheds further light on the dangers ofShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm By George Orwell1397 Words   |  6 PagesAn important quote by the influential author of Animal Farm, George Orwell, is, â€Å"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.† George Orwell, a Democratic Socialist, wrote the book Animal Farm as an attack on the Communist country of Russia (â€Å"The Political Ideas of George Orwell,† He had a very strong disliking of Communism and the Socialist party of Russia. However, he insisted on finding the truthRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell944 Words   |  4 Pageslegs(Orwell 132). He carried a whip in his trotter(Orwell 133). In the novel Animal Farm by Geo rge Orwell, animals have the ability to talk and form their own ethos, Animalism. Animal Farm is an intriguing allegory by George Orwell, who is also the author of 1984, includes many enjoyable elements. More knowledge of the author, his use of allegorical elements, themes, symbols, and the significance in the real world, allows the reader to get more out of this glance into the future. George OrwellRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell876 Words   |  4 Pagesrebellious animals think no man means freedom and happiness, but they need to think again. The animals of Manor Farm rebel against the farm owner, Mr. Jones, and name it Animal Farm. The animals create Animalism, with seven commandments. As everything seems going well, two of the animals get into a rivalry, and things start changing. Food starts disappearing and commandments are changed, and the power begins to shift. Father of dystopian genre, George Orwell writes an interesting allegory, Animal FarmRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1545 Words   |  7 Pagesallow because an this elite institution of people often use this gear to dominate and oppress society. In George Orwell’s story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a device that can be used to at least one’s benefit. Living in a world where strength is a straightforward to benefit, the pigs qui ck use education to govern the relaxation of the animals on the farm to serve themselves worked to their advantage. This story in shows the underlying message that   firstRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1100 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: Widely acknowledged as a powerful allegory, the 1945 novella Animal Farm, conceived from the satirical mind of acclaimed author George Orwell, is a harrowing fable of a fictional dystopia that critiques the socialist philosophy of Stalin in terms of his leadership of the Soviet Union. Tired of their servitude to man, a group of farm animals revolt and establish their own society, only to be betrayed into worse servitude by their leaders, the pigs, whose initial virtuous intentionsRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1538 Words   |  7 PagesMecca Animal Farm The Russian Revolution in 1917 shows how a desperate society can be turned into a military superpower filled with terror and chaos. George Orwell uses his book, Animal Farm, to parallel this period of time in history. This book is an allegory of fascism and communism and the negative outcomes. The animals begin with great unity, working toward a common goal. The government then becomes corrupted by the temptations of power. George Orwell uses the characters in Animal Farm to showRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1175 Words   |  5 PagesAn enthusiastic participant in the Spanish civil war in 1936, George Orwell had a great understanding of the political world and made his strong opinions known through his enlightening literary works, many of which are still read in our modern era. Inspired by the 1917 Russian Revolution and the failed society it resulted in, Animal Farm by George Orwell is an encapsulating tale that epitomises how a free utopian society so idealistic can never be accomplished. The novella exemplifies how influencesRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1770 Words   |  8 PagesIn George Orwell s 1945 epic novel Animal Farm, the corruption of leadership is described and emphasized through the actions of farm animals. After gaining control of the farm where they were held, a human society arose between the animals with the most intelligent, or most disingenuous, animals rising to the top of the hierarchy. Sheep, chickens, even the farm dogs all bowed down to the pigs that tricked their way to power. The infamous quote, â€Å"all animals are created equal, but some animalsRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1089 Words   |  5 PagesIn George Orwell’s â€Å"Animal Farm†, the pigs as the farm leaders, use unknown language, invoke scare tactics and create specific laws, thereby enabling them to control other animals, to suit their greedy desires, and to perform actions outside their realm of power. Because of the pigsâ€⠄¢ use of broad language, and the implementation of these tactics they are able to get away with avoiding laws, and are able to convince other animals into believing untrue stories that are beneficial to the pigs. The firstRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1212 Words   |  5 PagesShe stood there over the dead animals thinking to herself what have we come to? We try to become free but we just enslave ourselves to a so called superior kind. Napoleon killed the animals in front of the whole farm and said that this was to be the punishment for the traitors. Snowball was known as a traitor now and anyone conspiring with him would be killed. Snowball and Napoleon both represent historical characters during the Russian revolution in 1917.Snowball who was one of the smartest pigs

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Investigating Events Liquidation Learning â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Investigating Events Leading To Liquidation Of ABC Learning? Answer: Introducation ABC Learningis an Australian company. Once upon a time it was the world's largest provider of early childhood education services. It was founded in 1998 and by 2006 it had total of 950 centers across New Zealand and Australia. At its peak in 2006, its marked capitalization rose to A$2.5 billion on the Australian securities and stock exchange. A fallout from the subprime management crisis caused debt repayments to sink the company. It was eventually taken over by Good Start Limited in 2009, after a voluntary liquidation in 2008. Currently it is running around more than 650 childhood centers in Australia Analysis: In the later 6 months of 2007sudden drop in profit of the company and its failure to provide service lead gto drop in share prices of the company. Share drop by 43% from $2.15 to $1.15(ferrier, 2016). At the end the Grove just held 8% shares of the company. Founder Edmund and his wife 20 million and 6million shares. 2.7 million shares were sold by Martin kemp. Dumping of which was large enough to cause panic within the institutional and retail buyers who followed suit(SUMSION, 2012). ABC Learning Company in order to have speedy growth kept acquiring child care centers at a premium over the market rate.[1] For this purpose the company started issuing shares to raise more capital. The health of the financial statement like balance sheet, cash flow statement and income statement was an indicator that the company was heading to insolvency but management at that time chose to trade-off that risk with their aggressive growth plan. Leverage was so high that the company owed more than one dollar for 30 cents of equity. In fact to service the loans, the company ran into a negative cash flow in 2007 which prevented it from meeting its day to day expenses and led to insolvency. There was also a reported fraud of not disclosing a related party transaction(Keane, 2008). ABC Learning insolvency was caused due to a combination of several things going wrong, Company did not have proper management team with financial prudence which is why they incurred huge maintenance cost, paid too much to acquire new centers, and committed financial mismanagement. This is also a failure of both internal and external (auditor) Accounts and Finance teams as these professionals play a very crucial role in companys growth and stability and advising management on key business decisions. Some lessons for Accounts and Finance professions from this case are, Revenue should be recognized properly. Company should focus on its core offering, its strengths and management of its primary business even when company is going through massive phase of growth. In ABC companies case the co founders shifted focus from providing quality child learning to simply acquiring/ adding new centers to boost the valuation for which they had to raise external financing and this was a vicious circle ultimately. Companys books should depict the real picture because it does not take long for the markets or investors to gauge the real health and eventual consequences re more catastrophic. Emphasis on proper standards of corporate governance is a must and basics like disclosures of related party transactions cannot be ignored(parker, 2016). In a nutshell, its ironic that a company that found a great product market fit and hit its zenith ended up being insolvent, had to go through the painful process of liquidation and ultimately got bough out for pennies. Had the growth plans (and in most cases the greed to make the fast buck) been checked with proper corporate governance and financial prudence, this company could have been featured in the Good to Great case-studies instead of examining reasons behind its liquidation(Anon., n.d.). Ethical violation: This is a case of failure of corporate governance on their part even though there were enough signals from Financial statements of impending crisis. This clubbed with inflating its intangible asset value to show a stronger balance sheet to investors and shareholders which eventually sent the stock crashing once the realities were out can be identified to be the prime reasons for ABC to go bust. HIH Insurance Background Health International Holding (or HIH insurance in short) was founded by Ray Williams and Michael Payne in 1968. Around 1997 - 1998 HIH went global and it acquired many companies in Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and in United States. HIH raised funds from public in return of 51% of its share holding and thereafter HIH companys name changed to HIH Insurance Limited(Anon., 2015). At one point in time it was Australias second largest insurance company. It got placed into provisional liquidation on 15th march 2001 making it one of the largest corporate collapse in Australias history[2]. There were various fraud allegations on the company. The main reason of liquidation was that company was sitting on huge losses to the tune of $5.3 billion and unable to meet its cash flow requirements(Anon., n.d.). Investigations by government agencies into the cause of the collapse then led to trial and conviction and imprisonment of several management personnel on various charges relating to fraud(wiley, 2003) Analysis and research: HIH claimed that it was having $8 billion of assets however in real terms it came out to just $133 million(Anon., n.d.). Lets look at one of their quarterly reports, Net assets $379 million Net liabilities $101million and Bond securities $288 million The company illegally showed pledged securities as their own securities and this is how they violated the rule on APRA (AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATORY AUTHORITY).HIH insurance company did not disclose the fact to APRA and APRA gave HIH Insurance Company a tick. In 1999, HIH insurance company gained control of FAI in a takeover bid. As one director in 12th Sep 2000 argued to a joint venture with Alliaze, it might have been easier to deal with intangible issue. After the disclosure of betrayal done by the company, directors were send to imprisonment for several years and prohibited from being in a leading role of a director for minimum of 10-20 years and were also handed over a monetary fine. [3 Summarizing factors that led to the liquidation of one of Australias second largest insurance company. Internal factors There was poor management and lack of attention to detail because the power of company was in wrong hands and the top management and directors were interested in their own personal gain. Management after knowing the true situation chose to conceal the true information. Compromised integrity and ethical values by top management. Senior officers use to allegedly accept bribes(Anon., n.d.). External factors It was also discovered that HIH auditor in 2000 earned $8 million from auditing HIH Insurance Company and $7 million from other sources and in earlier period the same auditing company earned $1.7 million from HIH insurance company and 1.6 million$ from other services. This shows some flaw in independence of the auditor. Audit committee was related to HIH insurance company this also questions about the independence of auditor. Ethical violation Management presented misleading financial statement by overstating their profits. Management after knowing the true situation chose to conceal the true information. Compromised integrity and ethical values by top management. Senior officers use to allegedly accept bribes(Anon., 2013). One TelTelecommunication One Tel telecommunication company was established in the year 1995. Jodee Rich and Brad Keeling were the founders of this company.[4]In 1997 it was listed on the stock exchange with share price at $2 and valuation of about $208 million. The company had also introduced international and long distance services(reza, 2011). One Tel was launched at a time when cell phone was just introduced in the market and people were looking for cheaper deals since the call rates used to be very steep. By offering some good deals and cheap call rates to its subscribers (which is exactly what they were looking for), One Tel was able to rapidly gain market share(Anon., n.d.). As part of its service offering, One Tel provided internet services, local and international call rates at reasonable rates and very soon it topped the charts and became one of the Top - 30 companies of Australia. In very quick time it was able to attract millions of subscribers and many investors. Subsequently, the company also introduced the brand THE DUDE. One Tel got a good response on the domestic expansion front allowing its management ideas to expand globally. It quickly expanded to Hong Kong, USA, UK, Germany and Switzerland(Anon., n.d.). The company decided to collaborate with Optus which contracted to pay 120 bucks[5]in cash every time it had activated a SIM card. One Tel grew very fast with this contract which eventually had a ripple effect as the number of subscribers increased from 16000 subscribers to 50000 subscribers. At a later stage, Optus asked to lower the deal value from $120 due to which companys profit went down. Analysis and research: With its strong offering and competitive pricing, One Tel was able to challenge the already established incumbent telecommunications companies and gave them a tough competition. Competitive pricing also meant price war with the already present bigger companies which ultimately eats into the businesses margins. In 1998 company took some major decisions which ultimately led to its downfall. It decided to have its own network that meant acquiring expensive licenses. But, company didnt have enough reserves which meant it went borrowing huge sums from investors at steep interest rates. News LTD. and PBL investment invested $430 million and committed to invest $280 million in future in return of 40% equity. In 2000 One Tels valuation rose to $3.8 billion. And after having valuation of 3.8 billion$ but it collapsed within 18 months of this. One of the other reasons for its downfall was managements over confidence and aggressive strategies to gain quick market share. Financial mismanagement A large proportion of revenue was provided on credit. They introduce the policy of chat at discounted rates due to which it suffered loss. Company was selling day to day services not at profit the prices were lower than the cost(reza, 2011). Conclusion After going public and taking money from investors (in return of huge chunks of equity), One Tel struggled to show any return on equity as there werent any real profits. The decision to build its own mobile network meant the company ended up burning 1.5 2 billion dollars. [6] Managements planning proved inadequate as they spent immense money in promoting and expanding business instead of focusing on its existing operations. Failed to balance the receivables and liabilities(david, 2011) Basically, company drowned because it was focusing much on sales volume rather than earning profit. Ethical violation Management after knowing the true situation chose to conceal the true information. Compromised integrity and ethical values by top management. Senior officers use to allegedly accept bribes. References Anon., 2013. the collapse of hih insurance. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2015. collapse of hih insurance company. [Online] Available at: [Accessed september 2017]. Anon., n.d. [Online] management at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. corporate failure for HIH insurance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed september 2017]. Anon., n.d. Case Studies on the hih insurance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed September 2017]. Anon., n.d. hih insurance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed September 2017]. Anon., n.d. One.Tel collapse business magnates. [Online] Available at: david, w., 2011. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2017]. ferrier, t., 2016. closes file on abc collapse. [Online] Available at: [Accessed thursday September 2017]. Keane, B., 2008. abc learning collapse. [Online] Available at: [Accessed wednesday september 2017]. parker, g., 2016. ASIC probe ends. 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